Bento Bio is solving the diversity problem in clinical trials and genomics

Did you know that less than 1% of U.S. population has ever participated in a clinical trial?  Clinical Trials have a diversity problem.  Human genomic studies also have a diversity problem.   Until these hand-in-hand diversity problems are solved, clinical trials will continue to fail and the much-anticipated era of personalized precision medicine cannot arrive.   

The missing link isn’t technology. It’s trust.  Bento Biology Platforms, Inc. solves this problem with a patient empowerment platform designed to build trust by enabling patients to participate in the clinical research enterprise as data owners, not data donors.  Fresh off a national pilot test, early users called Bento’s patient empowerment technology a game changer. Designed by patients for patients, we bring biosampling tools, IoMT technologies to patient doorsteps to build trust. What is the yield? Better science, faster medicine, shared value, and a new asset class that enables patients to participate in the biotech economy as partners in the quest for cures and precision medicine.

Products: Bento Biology Box, Bento Biosampling Marketplace, Bento Bodyshop, Bento Flare Mobile Platform, my Bento Wallet, BentoSafe

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