Sandstone Diagnostics is Making Point-of-Care Diagnostics Possible
Sandstone Diagnostics offers patients instantaneous blood processing when (and where) blood samples are collected. As healthcare continues to shift toward virtual and remote care models, Sandstone’s in-home blood labs are laying track for a post-pandemic environment in which decentralized access to tests and diagnostic settings becomes the new normal. No more needless trips to the clinic for needless blood workups – particularly for patients who have a habitual need to monitor their blood. As an early investor in Sandstone, we were believers in the value proposition and the team. When it achieved FDA approval, Hypatia made it a central feature in our Bento Biology Box and medical provisioning system.
The products of Sandstone Diagnostics enable collection of low cost, lab quality plasma or serum in minutes. The Sandstone Torq brings the centrifuge to the patient to maximize sample quality, stability, and yield. Sandstone’s small and portable Torq Zero Delay Centrifuge System easily fits in the palm of your hand and stabilizes high-quality plasma or serum at the point of collection rather than waiting for samples to arrive at labs. The product utility is broad - Decentralized clinical trials, In-office testing and draws, Biomarker development, Molecular dx (DNA/RNA), COVID screening sites, Liquid biopsy, Prenatal testing, Global & rural health sites, Veterinary testing, Consumer home testing, PK monitoring and mobile phlebotomy.